We re-imagined the tango experience. Take a look.
Let’s travel in time.
Not much, just a few months forward.
Milongas are opening again, a couple of festivals are starting.
You arrive in a new city.
You know no one.
Five minutes later, you are already talking with tangueros that are close to you.
Dancers just like you, a kilometer or two away (and if you are in the US, a mile or two away).
How did that happen?
They already recommended the best milonga for the night based on what you are looking for.
Better yet, they’ll come and pick you up so you can go together.
A notification in your mobile.
You smile.
That’s exactly what you needed to see.
There is a drop-in tango class close by that starts in 2 hours.
I guess you can find some time for that.
What a wonderful city this is.
You want to come back here.
You check your mobile, and in 10 seconds you find out that there is a festival in two weeks.
But you don’t have a partner to go there with.
No worries.
You click on a check box.
“Are there available partners to register together?”
10 seconds later, you get connected with available partners.
You book your ticket.
As you jump on the local bus for a tour of the city, you check your mobile one more time.
It turns out that two of your favorite international tango teachers are in town, close to you.
Should you go to the drop-in class you saw earlier, or simply get in touch with your favorite couple?
Well, that’s a great problem to have isn’t it?
And the answer is Both! Do both!
You immediately send a message to the couple.
10 minutes ago you didn’t know anyone in the city.
Now, you are all set.
After a while, the weekend is over.
Two weeks later, you are back in town.
Time for the festival!!!
Your airplane just landed.
There must be other tangueros that also go to the festival that are now at the airport, you think as you wait for your luggage.
You check your mobile one more time.
Yeap, here they are.
And now you share a taxi with them…
Easy. Fast.
How did that happen?
Step 1
Download the Tango Partner app. It’s free.
Step 2
Add a nice tango picture (or if you are like us, 6 of them) and define what you are looking for: a partner to go to a milonga, a local tanguer@ to ask some questions, someone to go practice with, a friendly face to have a drink in the city, a person to share a cab? You can do that and much more.
Step 3
Click on “Find Partners” and see who is close to you. Local tango dancers will appear higher when they are closer to you.
Step 4
Send a virtual cabeceo.
Step 5
When they accept, you can chat with them.
P.S. When you become friends with someone in the app, the next time you are close to each other, you will see them higher. You can connect with tango teachers during workshops and then know when they are in your city again. Moreover, you can connect with tango dancers you enjoyed dancing with, and know when you both happened to be close by. The possibilities are endless. Let’s bring the tango community together.
P.S. 2 If you find out that there are not enough people using the app in your city, invite them to join. And if you want to do it in a more stylish way, become a supporter and get one of those flashy images to post on your profile. You can be the person who brought something beautiful to your local tango community.
P.S. 3 Curious about the app? Feel free to explore the website and maybe even take a look at some of our partners.